DP-2 straight-lined conveyor, lenght 2 m, equipped with steel rollers

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DP-2 straight-lined conveyor, lenght 2 m, equipped with steel rollers

This conveyor is suitable for building straight and curved conveyor routes, both gradient and plain and is especially intended for transporting cartons but as well as other goods. Surface treatment: zinc-chrome or painted. The body of the conveyor is in standard modificaton produced from metal plate or foursquare tube. This model is equipped with metal zinc rollers and total length of the route is 2 m.

Ordering code 600 000 115 600 000 113 600 000 117 600 000 114 600 000 104 600 000 103
Track version plast. rollers plast. rollers steel. rollers steel. rollers plastic skate wheels plastic skate wheels
Total conveyor width 620 mm 620 mm 620 mm 620 mm 620 mm 620 mm
Roller diameter 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm
Max. loading 80 kg/m 100 kg/m 90 kg/m 110 kg/m 80 kg/m 100 kg/m
Conveyor height 580 - 920 mm 580 - 920 mm 580 - 920 mm 580 - 920 mm 580 - 920 mm 580 - 920 mm
Conveyor length 2000 mm 1500 mm 2000 mm 1500 mm 2000 mm 1500 mm

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