HC Impulse sealer

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HC Impulse sealer

Table model with cutting blade suitable for production and closing foil bags. Seal length is 300 or 400 mm according to modification. Seal is performed by kanthal sealing element of the width of 2 mm. These sealers feature with high safety of an operator - the cutting blade is pushed out after pressing the upper sealing arm towards the lower sealing arm. Foil is cut approx. 6 mm behind the performed seal. Table foil decoilers up to width of 300 or 600 mm are optional accessories for these sealers. This model is intended for seals of length of 300 mm.

Type HC-300 - impulse sealer - length 300 mm, built-in blade HC-400 - impulse sealer - length 400 mm, built-in blade HC-500 - impulse sealer - length 500 mm, built-in blade
Ordering code 700 001 192 700 001 199 700 009 640
Power input 0,5 kW 0,75 kW 0,9 kW
Sealing arm holding hand hand hand
Weight 5,4 kg 7,3 kg 8,0 kg
Max. foil thickness 0,12 mm 0,12 mm 0,12 mm
Max. sealing length 300 mm 400 mm 500 mm
Sealing width 2 mm 2 mm 2 mm
Built-in blade yes yes yes


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